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Welcome to Kera’s Corner! This month we will introduce Sebastopol Geese! Sebastopol geese are one of my favorite breeds of waterfowl on the farm. They are a heritage breed known for their long curling feathers, bright blue eyes, and orange beaks and feet. They are very docile in nature, although during breeding season they get protective of their nest and offspring. They make incredible parents; a bonded pair work as a team to care for their goslings.
At Hunt Club farm, you will notice that our Sebastopol’s are white, which is the most common color for this breed. A common question asked is, “What happened to their feathers?” They have a curled feather mutation, which causes the shaft of the feather to split and curl. However, we also have a smooth breasted male, whose feathers are much straighter and less silky than the more common curly breasted variety. Sebastopol’s cannot fly because of their unusual feathers. They are medium sized geese, weighing around 10-15 pounds.
Come see our Sebastopol geese and goslings. We are happy to be able to give these geese a family and flock of their own here at Hunt Club Farm!