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One of the many treasures in Hunt Club’s Petting Farm are the few exotic birds located in our aviary, including our Indian Blue and Black Shoulder peacocks. If you are lucky enough, you may be able to snap a great picture of one of our males showing off their train feathers! They are long and colorful. Peahens are females, and peacocks are males. We have two peafowl breeds on the farm: the Indian Blue and Black Shoulder peacocks.
The differences between the males and females are color, their tail feathers (train), and their call (the noise they make when communicating). Peacocks have vibrant blue and green coloring, while peahens have more muted tones. Peacocks have a very long train that will fan out to attract a female mate, while peahens have a shorter set of neutral feathers that they do not show off as often as the males. Peacocks lose their tail feathers annually. This usually occurs during early summer months, after breeding season is complete. As you walk through the petting farm this month, see how many peacock feathers you can collect!
As for their call, peahens are generally quieter, while peacocks have a very loud, wailing call. Peacocks have been known to make great security guards as they will use their alarm call when something out of the ordinary happens. They are also great for pest control! They will roam and eat ticks, termites, spiders, and other insect pests. On your next visit to our farm, visit our aviary and check out our peafowl!