Due to enhanced biosecurity, we require all guests to sanitize their shoes before entry.
Welcome Back! This month, our featured pony is Patches! Patches was born in 2004 and came to Hunt Club Farm in 2021 at age 17 from North Carolina. Before that, he had spent most of his life in Texas, with only a brief stay in North Carolina. For most of his life, Patches gave rides to children, but when he first arrived at Hunt Club Farm, he was incredibly head shy and nervous about people touching his mane and tail. He would also become anxious at the sight of gloves.
However, within just a few months of living at Hunt Club Farm, Patches experienced a major breakthrough- he finally laid down. In horses and ponies, laying down is a significant sign of trust and comfort, as it puts them in a vulnerable position. Over the past four years, Patches has transformed from a fearful pony into a loving and trusting companion.
Patches is highly attuned to emotions. If you approach him feeling rushed, stressed, fearful or nervous, he will sense it immediately and react accordingly. While many animals can pick up on strong emotions through body language and actions, Patches has an almost uncanny ability to read people – he won’t let you fake your feelings. In a way, he serves as the ultimate test of patience and genuine care for animals for our staff. Around the same time Patches arrived, we also welcomed Penny (last month’s featured pony). The two are the same height and share similar markings, with Patches being black and white and Penny being red and white. It was love at first sight- Patches instantly became attached to Penny, never straying far from her side.
Come to the farm and meet our blue eyed, child loving pony, Patches at the pony line!