Due to enhanced biosecurity, we require all guests to sanitize their shoes before entry.
These three are Honey, Minnie, and Eeyore!
Baby goats, also known as kids, drink milk until the age of 8-12 weeks. Most nannies or does (mother goats) nurse their babies until they are weened off milk and introduced to grain and hay.
However, not all mothers are able to feed their babies, which was the case for Honey, Minnie, and Eeyore. Their mothers were not able to produce enough milk to keep them full so our Animal Care team took on the job to bottle feed them.
At first, they are fed 4 times a day about 4-6oz for 10 days, then they are fed 7-12oz for another 10 days. At three weeks old, they are fed 12-16 oz three times a day until they are weened off milk at about 8-12 weeks old.
Not only does bottle feeding ensure our kids are at a healthy weight, but this constant interaction with humans at a young age makes them enjoy human interaction at an older age as well.
If you have the space and are interested in adding a baby goat or two to your heard, please contact the Petting Farm Managers to be put on the list for baby goats! You can email them at pettingfarm@huntclubfarm.com.