Due to enhanced biosecurity, we require all guests to sanitize their shoes before entry.
Chickens are very popular for all who visit the farm! We have noticed such an increase in chicken lovers on social media and now it is common for people to own their own. Did you know that there are approximately 27.6 billion chickens in the world, while there are only 8 billion people! That means there are 3.5 chickens to 1 human. Chickens originated over 10,000 years ago in Southeast Asia and started as a small flightless bird known as the Red junglefowl or gallus gallus. These birds were domesticated in areas of Southeast Asia and archaeologist discovered evidence of China being the earliest to domesticate these birds dating back 8,000-10,000 years ago. We now call these birds “Chickens”.
There are so many breeds of chickens in the world, the US has classified them into 53 different large chicken breeds, not including bantam (small breed) chickens. The chicken that lays the most eggs in a year are Leghorns, they average 280-320 eggs per year! Other breeds including the Rhode Island Red hens lay about 200-300 eggs yearly; Australorp hens lay around 250 eggs yearly and Plymouth Rock hens lay 200 eggs yearly. Although Plymouth Rock hens have the longest period of laying eggs starting as early as 16 weeks old and all the way until they are 10 years old. Plymouth Rock hens lay between 200-280 eggs yearly. That is a lot of eggs!!!!
Visit our coop the next time you visit Hunt Club Farm to see our flock! Our chickens are more docile than other chickens you may find because we raise them from chicks to hens. They are handled by people daily and enjoy interaction with guests. You will even be surprised with how fun it is to pick up a chicken and hold them.